Learn songs, discover new guitar chords (chord kuncigitar) and enjoy with your favorite instrument and the artists you most admire

Learn songs, discover new guitar chords (chord kuncigitar) and enjoy with your favorite instrument and the artists you most admire

When we begin to take the first steps with any instrument, especially with the guitar, our greatest desire is to start playing those songs that inspired us and led us to the classes of this instrument. However, this will not happen in the first few weeks of study.
In principle, you will have to learn and memorize several chords and positions that will make you bored fast if you are not patient.
Then you must face the difficulty of being able to distinguish between a tonic chord and its dominant, which generally do not sound the same but have a certain resemblance, and this occurs with many relationships, such as between the relative minor of the C major chord in first inversion and its relative minor (The minor in its first investment).
In each case, it will take you a little time to identify each one in the songs, but this should not limit you, much less demotivate you. On the contrary, you must gather the courage to continue your studies.
While you carry out this whole process with constant practice and encouragement, you will be able to learn many songs with the page chordtela.cc.
In this, you will be able to find hundreds of popular songs with quite precise and well-explained chord progression guides so that you can learn some songs and thus put into practice everything that you have learned in your classes, but with a little extra specialized help.
Sing with your guitar learning the basic chords (chord dasar) of your favorite songs
No matter who your favorite singer is, you can find hundreds of songs from all genres and the best-known national and international artists on this page. You will be able to learn their most emblematic themes and their most famous hits in just a few minutes if you follow all the guides you find.
In addition, each one is accompanied by a video tutorial so you can learn many more details, since not only is it enough to learn the basic chords (chord dasar) but also the correct way to play them.
Learn new guitar chords (chord kuncigitar) in the guides
The best thing about this system is that it allows you to get ahead of some classes and learn interesting new chords and progressions.
So do not miss the opportunity to sing new songs and learn new ways to play your guitar. Also, if you are already experienced, you can upload your encrypted songs and share them with the community.